Our Vision
To raise a Christlike people who are heavenly minded, but daily living victoriously and making a difference on earth by the help of the Holy Spirit. (beleidsplan)
¨ As master builders (1 Cor. 3:10) and good shepherds (1 Peter 5:2) in God’s vineyard, our task is to raise (uplift, elevate, build, tend, nur ture, nourish, assemble, increase, promote, advance, upgrade, and magnify), God’s people in TFSCC to the position of the full stature of Christ and not the opposite – demote, lower, demolish, reduce, scatter, or bring down them.
¨ In TFSCC, we have a task to raise a Christlike people – a people who think, speak and act like Christ! Therefore, we must daily travail as master builders and good shepherds, to see Christ’s nature fully formed in every member of TFSCC. (Gal. 4:19 & Eph. 4:13).
Our Mission
1. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are equipped to grow and mature into the full stature of Christ.
2. TFSCC is on a divine mission to equip and empower the saints of God (under her influence) for success in life and ministry.
3. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a supernatural atmosphere, where the manifest presence of God naturally triggers miracles, signs and wonders, healings and deliverance.
4. TFSCC is on a divine mission to empower the saints of God (under her influence) to take roots downward in God and bear fruits upward for the good of others.
5. TFSCC is on a divine mission to empower the saints of God (under her influence) to have a business mindset in their kingdom stewardship.
6. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where people from different nations, backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life can worship and serve God together amicably.
7. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where the unsaved can encounter God, and where the oppressed, the brokenhearted, the destitute, and the outcast etc. can find refuge in God.
8. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are empowered to live daily as the light of the world and as the salt of the earth.
9. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are raised as giants and released as saviors to their worlds.
10. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are empowered to uphold the dignity of labor.
11. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are made disciples and trained as soul winners.
12. TFSCC is on a divine mission to create a platform and atmosphere where saints of God are trained and empowered to do good serving God and meeting the needs of the fellow human beings.
13. TFSCC is on a divine mission to make leaders out of followers.
14. TFSCC is on a divine mission to make servants (stewards) out of saints of God.
Our Goals
Our goal is to enlist the help of the Holy Spirit to bring the unsaved souls to the knowledge of God through Christ, and use the Word of God to empower the saved souls to grow and mature into the full stature of Christ with undeniable proofs.